Our global offer to business

London and the UK’s competitive strengths in a changing world

The depth and breadth of its offer make London and the UK the leading global centre for financial and professional services. This first edition of our annual benchmarking study, published in January 2021, evidences the UK’s enduring competitive offer, opportunity, and future focus across all measures.

Our world-leading competitiveness is built on longstanding strengths accelerated by a commitment to innovation. UK financial and professional services benefit from the most globally connected market, exceptional skilled talent, access to capital, and regulatory and government support. The market advantages are underpinned by location benefits: time zone, physical and digital connectivity, and fantastic quality of life and cultural offer.

Download the full 2021 report "Our global offer to business: London and the UK's competitive strengths in a changing world".

Our global offer to business: launch event

This event explores the opportunities and challenges that the UK will need to address - from Brexit, to the role of innovation and the growth of green and sustainable finance.

Watch the full event



世界各地的金融中心都在应对和适应一系列重大挑战和变化,而英国是唯一一个持续在创新的金融生态体系、金融市场规模、韧性的商业基础设施、人才获取和有利的监管环境这五个维度都表现强劲的中心 。
