Research Report

City statistics briefing

Posted: 9 Jul 2024

Resource Type: Research Report


The City Statistics briefing looks at the City of London's role as a global business hub for financial and related professional services. It provides facts and figures about employment and firms located within the City, as well as highlighting some recent changes to the City as a workplace.

The role of financial and professional services in the UK

Financial and professional services produced £294bn in economic output, contributed over £110bn in taxes, exported over £150bn and generated £1.1bn in FDI for the UK economy.

The role of the City of London

The City is a key driver of the economy, generating over £97bn in economic output annually. The City accounts for one in every five financial services jobs in GB. The City also contributes to the wider economy, generating £1.1bn in business rates.

City of London jobs

There are 615,000 workers in the City of London, or 1 in every 52 GB workers. City jobs have grown over 13% since pre-pandemic 2019 to 2022, with nearly 73,000 more jobs than in 2019.

City of London workers

The City is home to one of the youngest, most highly skilled and international workforces across the country.

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