Net Zero Delivery Summit 2024


09:00 – 09:10

Keynote speech: The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor 

09:10 – 09:18 

Keynote speech: Jennifer Jordan-Saifi, MVO, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Markets Initiative  

09:20 – 10:05

Panel discussion: The role of green technologies in reaching net zero 

Green tech - from clean energy sources through to digital technologies – have a critical role to play in reaching net zero. 

Digital technologies have the ability to process enormous amounts of sustainability data, make it easier for organisations to measure their carbon footprint, and support innovation in the allocation of capital towards sustainable outcomes. At the same time, the growth of such technologies comes with an associated carbon cost, for example through increased demand for data centres. Meanwhile, research and development, and ultimately growth in application of emerging green technologies to support the decarbonisation of sectors such as transport and energy remains critical. To develop and scale such green technologies, financing is crucial.

This panel will explore the role of green technologies in reaching net zero, considering questions such as where the greatest emissions reductions are likely to come from in green tech, the role of technologies like AI, and how to ensure regulatory frameworks support innovation in green tech.


  • The Rt Hon Chris Skidmore, OBE, Chair, Mission Zero Coalition 


  • Heather Bell, Energy Attaché, US Embassy London
  • Rowan Douglas, CEO Climate Risk and Resilience, Howden Group 
  • Adam Elman, Head of Sustainability – EMEA, Google 
  • Jon Fuller, Director, Breakthrough Energy 

10:07 – 10:15

Keynote speech: Sabine Mauderer, Chair, Network for Greening the Financial System and Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank

10:20 – 11:05 

Fireside Chat in collaboration with the World Economic Forum: Unlocking private climate finance for emerging markets 

Recent COPs have seen a continued focus on the challenges of fulfilling climate finance pledges, an issue which is especially acute in emerging economies where it is estimated that an approximate $5.8 trillion - $5.9 trillion is needed by 2030 to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. COP28 kicked off a new era of global climate action, but in order to deliver on these outcomes – which included language signalling the end of the fossil fuel era, and targets to triple renewables and double energy efficiency - the private sector must play a critical role in supporting the mobilisation of climate finance, including to emerging markets and developing economies.

This panel will explore the role of private capital in unlocking climate finance, particularly to those nations which are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It will discuss the barriers which remain to the mobilisation of climate finance, the potential of innovative financing models, and the role of the post-2025 New Collective Quantified Goal in supercharging this conversation. The discussion will also highlight case studies of programmes which are already in progress to mobilise investments into emerging economies, particularly for clean energy.


  • Rhian-Mari Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Green Finance Institute


  • Derek Baraldi, Head of Sustainable Finance, World Economic Forum
  • Marissa Drew, Chief Sustainability Officer, Standard Chartered 
  • Jamie Ferguson, Global Director, Climate Business, International Finance Corporation
  • Michael Hugman, Global Director - Climate, CIFF

11:05 - 11:35


11:35 – 11:45 

Keynote speech: Policy Chairman of the City of London Corporation

11:45 – 11:55 

Keynote speech: The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland, KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth  

12:00 – 12:45

Panel discussion: From vision to action – transition finance in action

As 2030 emissions targets loom, there is increasing attention on how the decarbonisation of higher emitting companies and activities will be financed. The need to establish a strong, high-integrity market for transition finance is critically important to the delivery of net zero, as reflected in so many of the announcements and conversations which took place at COP28. The UK is showing leadership in this space, having commissioned the Transition Finance Market Review which kicked off in January, whilst several other countries are considering similar interventions to support the development of transition finance markets.

This panel will explore the evolving landscape of transition finance and what it means for global climate ambition. It will examine approaches, challenges and proposed solutions in transition finance, as well as share early findings from the UK’s Transition Finance Market Review. Panellists from the finance sector, real economy and the UK’s Transition Finance Market Review will share their progress, recommendations and the next steps to scale a high-integrity transition finance market.


  • Alice Carr, Executive Director for Public Policy, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero


  • Vanessa Havard-Williams, Chair, Transition Finance Market Review 
  • Fraser Dobbie, Chief Financial Officer, North Star Shipping
  • Wenjian Fang, General Manager and CEO, Bank of China UK Branch  
  • Richard Tarboton, Head of Sustainability Strategy and Policy, Barclays

12:45 – 13:55


14:00 – 14:45

Panel discussion: Securing a nature positive future

We know that nature is our greatest asset in the fight against climate change, and the momentum to integrate nature into financial and business decisions is building.

This panel will explore innovative strategies, investment opportunities, and the imperative of aligning finance with nature and biodiversity goals. It will look to explore the investment case for nature, profiling examples of the mobilisation of funding to help close the nature finance gap.

This will be set in the context of both the climate and biodiversity COP processes. At COP28, we saw an increasing push for climate and nature to be considered in tandem, illustrated by the COP28 High-Level Champion launch of the Joint Statement for Climate, Nature and People. 2024 will see both COP29 and COP16 take place mere weeks apart, which presents an important opportunity to bring these two agendas even closer together.


  • Irem Yerdelen, Lead Member for Sustainable Finance, City of London Corporation


  • Shaun Carazzo, EMEIA Financial Services Climate Change and Sustainability Leader, EY
  • Marc Palahi, Chief Nature Officer, Lombard Odier
  • Grant F. Reid, Chair, Agribusiness Taskforce, Sustainable Markets Initiative
  • Mariana Sarmiento Aparicio, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Terrasos

14:50 – 15:20

Fireside chat: Sustainability disclosure standards – key trends and challenges

Much has happened since the first two Sustainability Disclosure Standards were published by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) in June 2023 to form a global baseline of sustainability reporting standards. 140 companies from 64 jurisdictions, and representing $120trn in assets, have signed the statement of support for ISSB climate-related reporting on Finance Day at COP28. In July 2023, IOSCO officially endorsed the standards.

This fireside chat will reflect on the key trends and challenges arising in global regulatory implementation and market adoption of the ISSB Standards, and what regulators and industry can do to overcome these challenges and drive adoption of ISSB standards.


  • Rose Easton, Chief Responsible Investment Ecosystems Officer, Principles for Responsible Investment


  • Richard Barker, Board Member, ISSB
  • Sherry Madera, Chief Executive Officer, CDP

15:20 – 15:45 


15:45 – 16:30

Panel discussion: Raising the ambition of carbon markets

At COP28, countries failed to make progress on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, a much-hoped-for mechanism for supporting the trade of carbon credits internationally. This outcome was in part due to concerns around the environmental integrity of carbon dioxide removals (CDRs). Despite the IPCC recognising the need for carbon removals to meet net zero goals and advocates such as Bill Gates touting CDRs as a huge investment opportunity, the role of carbon removals continues to spark extensive debate. However, despite lack of movement in Article 6, market participants are increasingly resolved to build the necessary market governance solutions from the bottom up. 

This panel will explore some of the headline commitments and announcements which came out of COP28, driven by the private sector and other international organisations, and consider how we continue to make progress on these initiatives in order to support the delivery of net zero. It will also consider the key developments driving innovation in CDRs and what can be learnt from international best practice in this area of the market.


  • Gordon Bennett, Managing Director, Global Head of Environmental Markets, ICE


  • Kaya Axelsson, Net Zero Policy Engagement Fellow, Oxford Net Zero
  • Dr Rita Babihuga-Nsanze, Director and Chief Economist, Africa Finance Corporation
  • Doris Honold, Governing Board Member, The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
  • Gabrielle Walker, Co-Founder, CUR8 

16:35 – 17:00

Fireside chat: Adaptation finance – the business case

The effects of climate change are set, even if we meet our carbon mitigation goals tomorrow. Climate impacts such as floods, heat waves and food insecurity will continue and this will affect our homes, how and where we work as well as the public infrastructure we currently enjoy. As such, investment in adaptation and resilience is vital.

To prepare for these changes, substantial capital, and importantly private capital, will need to play a significant role. This fireside chat will explore the opportunities for private capital to support adaptation, considering questions such as: is adaptation and resilience investment a risk mitigation strategy or are there opportunities that could be leveraged if we invest in adaptation now? Where are there examples of the private sector already successfully investing in adaptation projects, and what can we learn from these?


  • Kieron Boyle, CEO, Impact Investing Institute


  • Dr Amal-Lee Amin, Managing Director and Head of Climate, Diversity & Advisory, British International Investment
  • Matt Gantley, CEO, United Kingdom Accreditation Service
  • Dr Nicola Ranger, Deputy Director - Director, Resilient Planet Finance Lab, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

17:05 – 17:10 

Speech: COP29 Presidency perspective delivered by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan

17:10 – 17:15

Speech: COP30 Presidency perspective delivered by His Excellency the Ambassador of Brazil to the United Kingdom

17:15 – 17:50

Fireside chat: Partnering for success – from COP28 to COP29 and beyond

COP28 saw a renewed determination to rise to the challenge of meeting our net zero goals. This was demonstrated by several announcements including the historic inclusion of a reference to fossil fuels in the final text, the mobilisation of the loss and damage fund, and the commitment made to triple the world's renewable energy capacity by 2030. Across all areas of both the negotiated and non-negotiated outcomes, there was one clear and consistent message: private finance can and must play a key role in a just, whole economy transition.

Featuring representation from those at the centre of COP28, COP29 and COP30, this conversation will explore how the private sector and Presidencies can come together to progress the key announcements from COP28 and successfully deliver on the priorities for COP29 and beyond.

Conversation led by:

  • The Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma, KCMG 


  • Frances Way, Executive Director, High Level Climate Champions
  • Jennifer Jordan-Saifi, MVO, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Markets Initiative  

17:55 – 18:00

Closing remarks: The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor

All timings are subject to change.

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